Yukihiro was born on November 24, 1968 in Chiba, near Tokyo. His father is a company worker, and his mother is a kimono-wearing instructor. He has a younger sister.
Yukihiro has stated that he had as ordinary a childhood as any other Japanese kid, never questioning his destined path of going to school, graduating to a university, and ultimately becoming a white-collar salaryman. But he loved music, both Japanese and American, from Heavy metal to Pop music. He was also a good short-track athlete in junior high school. However, he was kicked out from his athletics club for his sabotaging of daily training.
When he entered high school, he started to play the drums and immediately decided to be a professional rock drummer. Once he made the decision, he told his parents that he was leaving school because it was of no use to him. His parents forbade this. Thus, he continued his education while devoting himself mostly to rock music.
During his university days (he left The Chiba University of Commerce), he joined Zi:Kill, one of the rising Japanese rock groups at that time.
Zi:Kill signed a recording contract with Extasy Records in 1989. However, they turned into a quarrel during the first album recording outside Japan. Finally, yukihiro was fired there. After that, he formed the band named Optic Nerve with guitarist Shin Murohime.
When it was announced that the former L'Arc drummer Sakura quit the band in 1997, tetsu, the leader of the band, asked yukihiro to help record the new single, via their common friends. During that time, they had a good chemistry between them. His unique rhythm track was accepted in the song. When their first come-back single "Niji" was released and did the comeback concert "Reincarnation in Tokyo Dome", yukihiro was still a support member. It is in 1998 when the band announced yukihiro as official member with the new single "winter fall", followed by the album "HEART". After joining L'Arc~en~Ciel (being the seventh member in doing so since the band started), his name was changed to lowercase letters, "yukihiro," to match the rest of the members' names (his name had been published "YUKIHIRO" in capital letters until Die In Cries).Despite of some arguments from Sakura's fans, yukihiro quickly got acclimatized to L'Arc.
acid android is a solo project formed by Yukihiro, the drummer of the popular Japanese rock band L'Arc-en-Ciel. Like L'Arc~en~Ciel, they are signed onto Sony Music Japan's Ki/oon Records division. acid android releases, as with the other members solo projects, take place in between L'Arc~en~Ciel albums releases when the members are on hiatus. To date acid android has released one album, one single, an EP and a live DVD. The band, in contrast to L'Arc~en~Ciel uses a harder, faster sound, more stage-lighting and American-styled mechanics to further energize their concerts.
Indonesian translate ;
Yukihiro lahir pada tanggal 24 November 1968 di Chiba, dekat Tokyo. Ayahnya adalah pekerja perusahaan, dan ibunya adalah seorang instruktur-mengenakan kimono. Dia punya adik perempuan.
Yukihiro menyatakan bahwa masa kanak-kanaknya biasa seperti setiap anak Jepang lainnya, tidak pernah mempertanyakan jalan takdirnya untuk pergi ke sekolah, lulus ke universitas, dan akhirnya menjadi seorang karyawan kerah putih. Tapi ia mencintai musik, baik Jepang dan Amerika, dari heavy metal sampai Pop musik. Ia juga seorang atlet pelari jarak pendek yang baik di sekolah SMP. Namun, ia keluarkan dari klub atletik nya karena menyabotase jadwal latihan harian.
Ketika ia masuk SMA, ia mulai memainkan drum dan segera memutuskan untuk menjadi seorang drumer rock profesional. Sekali ia membuat keputusan, ia mengatakan pada orangtuanya bahwa ia meninggalkan sekolah karena itu tidak berguna baginya. Orang tuanya melarang ini. Dengan demikian, ia melanjutkan pendidikan sementara mencurahkan diri sebagian besar pada musik rock.
Selama hari universitasnya (ia meninggalkan Chiba University of Commerce), ia bergabung Zi: Kill, salah satu grup rock Jepang yang sedang naik daun pada waktu itu.
Zi: Kill menandatangani kontrak rekaman dengan Extasy Records pada tahun 1989. Namun, mereka berubah menjadi bertengkar selama perekaman album pertama di luar Jepang. Akhirnya, yukihiro dipecat dari sana. Setelah itu, ia membentuk band bernama Optic Nerve dengan gitaris Shin Murohime.
Ketika diumumkan bahwa mantan L'Arc drummer Sakura keluar dari band pada tahun 1997, tetsu, pemimpin band, meminta yukihiro untuk membantu merekam single baru, melalui teman-temanya. Selama waktu itu, mereka memiliki kecocokan yang baik di antara mereka. irama lagu yang unik-Nya diterima dalam lagu. Ketika mereka pertama kali datang-kembali single "Niji" dirilis dan melakukan konser "Reinkarnasi di Tokyo Dome", yukihiro masih anggota pendukung.pada tahun 1998 ketika band ini mengumumkan yukihiro sebagai anggota resmi dengan jatuhnya single baru "winter fall", diikuti oleh album "HEART". Setelah bergabung dengan L'Arc ~ en ~ Ciel (menjadi anggota ketujuh sejak band didirikan),
namanya berubah menjadi huruf kecil, "yukihiro," untuk mencocokkan sisa nama anggota '(namanya sudah diterbitkan "Yukihiro" dalam huruf kapital ke die in cries
Meskipun ada beberapa argumen dari penggemar Sakura, yukihiro cepat-cepat menyesuaikan diri denganL'Arc.
acid android merupakan proyek solo yang dibentuk oleh Yukihiro, Seperti L'Arc ~ en ~ Ciel, mereka masuk ke / oon Sony Music Jepang divisi Ki Records. acid android rilis, seperti proyek solo anggota lainnya, berlangsung di antara rilisnya album L'Arc ~ en ~ Ciel. Untuk acid android telah merilis satu album.
Band ini, berbeda dengan L'Arc ~ en ~ Ciel menggunakan suara yang lebih keras, lebih cepat , terlebih tahap-lampu dan komponen gaya Amerika untuk lebih memberikan energi konser mereka.
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